Copyright - Official website by Giuseppe De Luca

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This web site was developed by Roberto Scandurra in association with and materials provided by Nicoletta Panni and the National Tostiano Institute, the only proprietors of these materials.
This site is non-profit and copyrighted.
Visualization of this site is authorized but it is prohibited to reproduce or copy any of the images, texts and lyrics, that are owned solely by the aforementioned Institute and Nicoletta Panni, for profit.
Where possible I have mentioned the source of every image.
Please inform me of any possible unauthorized uses of materials from the author, which I will immediately remove.
The web site of the Tostiano National Institute can be visited at the following URL address:

Material Copyright © 2004-2013
Nicoletta Panni e Istituto Nazionale Tostiano
This website maintained by Roberto Scandurra

e-mail Roberto:

Il sito dell'ISTITUTO NAZIONALE TOSTIANO può essere visitato sul seguente URL:


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